Painting Exterior Door? – How To Make It Look Really Good
The secret to painting exterior door and other like projects and make them look good is to do it in steps. What you first want to do is take some to 100-grit sandpaper or better yet, a sand sponge and smooth and clean the door surface down. If it's a metal or wooden door and doesn't have any chips or dings just clean it up and get all the dust off. Get a damp rag and clean up the the dust out of the window cracks and ledges in the door. I like to take the doorknob off also and any other hardware. I usually leave the hinges on and block the door so it will stay stationary and not move back and forth while I'm painting on it. Usually I run off a first coat of what is called an “enamel under coater” latex primer. I brush in the hard to reach spots and roll out the rest of the door using a mini speed roller that's suitable for enamels. Wooster makes good ones. The paint store has a thing called a pelican bucket for holding your paint. These are perfect for painting doors and you can even hang your brush in it on a built in magnet. There is a built in rolling area inside the bucket and you can hang your speed roller on it also. You can also buy plastic inserts for your pelican bucket. I'll cut in before rolling out the door and I'll roll it out with my Wooster speed roller and then finish it. I get the primer tinted to the finish coat color. After about an hour you can re-coat the door with paint because the primer has a quicker re-coat time than paint. Once my door is primed I will then do the same thing as I did with the primer but this time I will use an enamel latex paint. A low luster or satin finish is good to use. By the way, latex paints should always be used on the outside of a house even with metal or wooden doors. Oil based paints crack and peel because they get brittle. The secret to making doors look nice is using the shed-resistant Wooster speed rollers and to roll out the wide areas. This is because latex will tack up while trying to brush out wider areas because of faster dry time and being outdoors. I cut in first with a brush in the intricate places and I'll roll out with a speed roller afterward. That's the secret to painting exterior door and other like projects and making them look good. If you can let your finish coat dry for about 4 hours put your hardware back on the door.
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