best painting tip I ever got was from a guy I called “Bob the 30-year
guy”. He was an experienced, self-employed, house painter. One of the
old Dutch painters.
When I was first starting out in the
house painting business he said to me,
“There are a lot of painters in this
town, but few good ones. Just try to be one of the good ones and you
will do alright.”

I took him up on that advice and I always worked at being the best
painter I could and people did notice it. Although when I did do my
very best, I
always noticed a flaw somewhere in each job when it was finished.
It did not
matter how hard I tried there was always some small spot or area that I
wished had turned out better. I mentioned that to a fellow Christian
one day who happens to be one of
my customers and he said that he grew up in Africa because his dad was
a missionary over there.
He said that the Muslim’s that would weave blankets on their weaving
machines would put an intentional mistake in the pattern somewhere
because they said
“Only God is
After that I didn’t try so hard anymore even though I went on to do
quality work. So the best painting tip I can give you today as a
painter or painting business owner is be a good painter but realize
that we are
only human and we will make mistakes in our craftsmanship. It’s
impossible to do a perfect job because we are imperfect creatures
living in an imperfect world.